Riverside Food Forest Updates

This page is going to work kind of like a blog. The newest post will be at the top of the page and the older posts will be lower down.

And exhale.... The Food Forest in 2020

May 16th and May 23rd Food Forest Work Bees

A huge “thank you” to all the volunteers who turned out both May 16 and 23rd to help prepare our communal Food Forest area for planting!  We picked rocks, excavated for the tool shed, moved mulch, built the potato/corn patch, strawberry bed and bean plot, hauled topsoil and compost, and spread peat moss!  So much was achieved, and we had a great time working in community with each other. 

Planting Potatoes in the Communal Plot

Lunch was provided on Tuesday to give workers a much needed break.  Thank you to Barb for the delicious dessert treats.   We are very grateful for

  • our “seasoned” gardeners Linda and Barb who led the pack planting those spuds,
  • Don for putting together and staining the picnic table and organizing the rototilling of the potato patch,
  • Dale for making arrangements to have our tree/shrub holes dug, and
  • Gary for hauling two loads of compost from the landfill.   

And of course a big shout-out to everyone else who turned up to help.  Thank you!!!!!

Now that our communal ground is ready for planting, we will purchase the other trees and shrubs that we want to plant in the Food Forest area.  

Watch for subsequent planting  parties because many hands make work light. But it is not light work, and if you have health issues, I urge you to only do what you are able to do.  There will be lots of less strenuous jobs that can be completed as we move through the growing season. 

Once we get the Tool Shed built (early in June) we will post a job list inside, so you can see what needs to be done if you have some time on your hands and want to work off some volunteer hours .

Tuesday May 16th Work Bee 10:00 AM

On Tuesday May 16th at 10 we'll be getting together for a work bee.

We want to begin to prepare the Food Forest Communal Plot for planting.

We also would like to prepare the area where we will build the shed. We need to remove about 6 inches of dirt so we can add gravel. Please bring your shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows. If you are available, please join us.

May 4th Thanks for Moving the Mulch

A big shout out and thank you to Sjoerd (Joe) Landman of Landman Reclamation Ltd. Joe brought his equipment in and made short work of moving the mulch layer off the area where we plan to plant our food forest. That really saves us a lot of work!

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